The Bob’s Burgers Movie
Director: Loren Bouchard
5 October 2022
Him: Bob’s Burgers the Movie directed by creator Loren Bouchard follows the Belcher family in their anticipation of an exciting summer, before a sink hole opens up in front of their restaurant, in which a body is discovered.
Her: A feature length, three dimensional story of the Belcher family’s adventures.
Him: When I heard the creator interviewed on the New Yorker Radio Hour podcast I thought I wanted to get into the show and watch the film. Bob and Linda make a burger cart with loyal customer and family friend Teddy, in order to meet their bank loan repayments. Tina wants Jimmy jr to be her summer boyfriend, Gene makes a new instrument and Louise tries to prove she’s not a baby. They all sing and dance.
Her: I couldn’t help but compare this movie to the series. Despite some obvious technological advances and explanations of the character traits, nice touching moments, the humble humor of the series was missing.
Him: I felt the exposition of Louise’s bunny ears. “My mother wore a beanie. She said it was cause she didn’t have to do her hair, but I think she just liked it. She was brave, and in a way when you wear yours it’s like she passed it on to you, even though you never met. It feels like you did.
Her: The beginning was great. I feel like the introduction of the evil lawyer killer character was a let down and under developed. That story line felt predictable and too simple. It didn’t create purpose bar a strong climax. Though the Belcher’s themselves and their interactions were touching overall good but I prefer the series.