The Color of Money
24 October 2022
Director: Martin Scorsese
Him: The Color of Money directed by Martin Scorsese stars Paul Newman as Eddy, a pool hustler whose protege Tom Cruise as Vince forces him out of retirement.
Her: Classic Martin Scorsese film, probably less violent than the other ones I’ve seen. Vince, talented and charismatic pool player is discovered by Eddy, a ‘producer’ character whose keen to teach him how to make money and live.
Him: Paul Newman’s Oscar winning performance (he was nominated eight times) and his wife Joanne Woodward won an Oscar too. Has Tom Cruise? It’s interesting to see him play young and arrogant before he became a star but his best acting are roles like this, Risky Business, or Magnolia. I never liked pool before this movie.
Her: Like the contrast between Newman and Cruise’s characters Vince can’t help but make tricks as he plays the game fancily. But the biggest trick is on Eddy. At some point I thought he was going to break the cue and that would be the end of him, glad that wasn’t the case. Newman doesn’t need to show tricks he just stares without moving and gets an Oscar for it.
Him: I want to watch the HBO doco mini series The Last Movies Stars, directed by Ethan Hawke about Newman and Woodward. I wonder if my favourite classic actor was as cool calm and collected in his personal life as he was in Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, or the Hustler, the prequel to the Color of Money. I liked him mentoring, but also remembering what it was to want it yourself. FOr me, it wasn’t his overacting with Forrest Whittaker. But quietly reading the room with Carmen.
Her: What the hall happened to Tom Cruise? He‘s capable of such charismatic complicated characters but opted to be a golden stuntman. Sadly, I feel like I’ve missed a big chunk of dialogue and would like to rewatch it with better sound or subtitles. Enjoyed watched the cinematography of pool playing.