Dau. Natasha

28 November 2022

Director: Ilya Khrzhanovsky, Jekaterina Oertel


Her: Dau. Natasha, one of 13 films by Ilya Khrzhanovsky telling the story of Natasha Berezhnaya - worker of the Institute’s kanteen who gets involved in a romantic relationship with a French scientist including … and without realising what consequences that will follow. 

Him: Dau. Natasha directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky is the story of Natasha, a canteen worker along with Olya at an Institute for scientific research in the USSR. 


Her: There are not many details that the film crew left unconsidered. Natasha’s relationship with Olya was incredibly interesting to watch. From love to proper hatred literally in 10-15 minute scenes. 

And I think they really got them drunk to be able to make it seem so organic. Azhippo in real life is not an actor, I need to check his role exactly but the way he speaks is exactly how apparatchik’s do. Calm, polite, but leaving no chance for any argument. I think Ilya has really achieved the level of authenticity he was aiming for. 

Him: We observe Natasha and Olya serving Institute staff and their families at the start, the little boy asking for an orange reminded me of the scene in Kantamir Balagov’s Beanpole, how hardened Soviet’s are still tender with children, yet hardin every other way. From Natasha bossing Olya around, to the younger woman teasing her senior about her age, and choices. Their interaction off shift when there’s no customers reminded me of hospitality staff after work when I was one as those who serve enjoy themselves. But there isn’t much joy in Natasha’s personal life, only servitude. 


Her: It left me speechless at first. I think it will take awhile to process. All of the performances, dialogue and scenes were captivating, although obviously not that easy to watch. I feel like this is a truly unique experiment or a study of the Society details - terrain, system, recreated to the meticulous detail like dry fish etc. 

Unlike Capitan Volkonogov Escaped where throughout the whole duration of the film you don’t lose that understanding it’s just a movie. Here this distinction is very real and can disappear entirely.


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